
Why book tickets at Concert Vienna? is a service of Culture Ticket Kartenbüro - a reliable partner for the purchase of tickets for cultural events in Vienna with more than 15 years of experience. We are the official partners of all the performances that we offer. In addition to that, here's why you should book your tickets with us:

1. User-friendly website developed with customer security in mind

Using the latest technology, our website was developed to ensure a simple, fast and secure user experience when booking your tickets to Vienna's best cultural events. It's organized to give you an overview of all events or check them out in carefully curated categories. In just a few clicks you can book your next experience without having to sign up.

2. Official partners = Guaranteed the best experience

Culture Ticket is the official partner of all performances we offer, which allows us to guarantee the best experience possible. From reissuing lost tickets to securing your best seats by the organizer, we make sure every customer gets exactly what they paid for.

3. E-ticket for a hassle-free entrance without waiting in lines

Once you purchase a product from our website, an electronic confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address you provided. Simply print it and show it at the Box Office to enter the venue without having to wait in lines beforehand.

4. Top selection of the most prominent Viennese cultural events

We offer tickets to countless events that shaped Viennese culture one way or the other. Listen to some of the best classical musicians in the world perform the most famous pieces composed by giants of classical music, take a guided tour and get to know the City of music, or check out one of Vienna's other cultural treasures.

5. Transaction and payment security

One of the benefits we're most proud of is the payment security and data protection of our valued customers. Hosted by Shopify, our shop ensures the latest security standards, along with Level 1 PCI Compliance and SSL encryption. Furthermore, our store is verified by Visa and Mastercard. Our payment processing is powered by Stripe, which is certified as a PCI Level 1 Service Provider, issued by PCI Qualified Security Assessor - the strictest level of certification available in the payment industry.

6. Satisfied customers

Over the years, we've had lots of satisfied customers, who posted excellent reviews of our services.

7.Office near the venues

Our office is situated in the very heart of Vienna, at the Mahlerstrasse 5/1/41, in the close proximity of most venues. This allows you to pick the tickets up in person without wasting your time.